Friday, September 23, 2022

5 powerful relationship advice that can change your love life forever

 1. Self assessment is important

A user shares from her mother’s experience with selfishness and how she changed to being more selfless.

When my mum and my dad were on their second separation, she was out with her best friend and was venting about all the things she wanted him to change.

“Her friend asked her 'What are you willing to change about yourself?' It made my mother think about how she negatively affected the marriage too and realise that if she wanted him to change things about himself, she needed to be willing to change things about herself and meet him halfway."

Do the small things. Sometimes I definitely don't want to get off the couch and help my wife with something, but I know she really appreciates it when I do,” another user says, before poetically adding the following words;

“Big things build the structure, little things fill in the gaps.”

According to this Mrs“There are definitely times when my husband is telling me about a game or movie and I don't want to listen. But I always try to because it matters to him.”

I think the best relationship advice I have ever received is that you don't have to always verbally comfort them and you can still let them know you care by just being there,” another user adds. 


“Even if you're married, never stop dating your spouse. Love is active,” someone shared before being backed up by another who said “don't make it all about the children. They won't be around forever, but the two of you will.”

5 powerful relationship advice that can change your love life forever

  1. Self assessment is important A user shares from her mother’s experience with selfishness and how she changed to being more selfless. “ ...